الخميس 2025-03-06
القاهره 06:30 ص
الخميس 2025-03-06
القاهره 06:30 ص
فن وتليفزيون
كلمات وفيديو..zedd يطلق كليب جديد اسمه Good Thing مع كهلانى
السبت، 05 أكتوبر 2019 07:22 م
أطلق النجم العالمي zedd كليب جديد " Good Thing "علي قناته الخاصة بموقع "يوتيوب"، و شاركته بالعمل النجمة العالمية كهلاني . وتتحدث الأغنية عن الطاقة الإيجابية وحبك لنفسك، واستطاع الكليب أن يقترب من مليون مشاهد علي موقع الفيديو الشهير " يوتيوب" ، وكليب " Good Thing " هو من إخراج وارن فو . كلمات الأغنية : I book myself tables at all the best restaurants then eat alone I buy myself fast cars just so I can drive them real fucking slow I like my own company, company I don’t need it I’m not always cold I’m just good on my own So good on my own I’ve always been told One day I’ll find Somebody who Changes my mind If they come along I won’t think twice... ‘Cause I already got a good thing with me Yeah I already got everything I need The best things in life are already mine Don’t tell me that you got a good thing for me ‘Cause I already got a good thing with me Yeah I already done everything I dreamed I’m good by myself Don’t need no one else Don’t tell me that you got a good thing for me ‘Cause I already got a good thing I make myself up just to dance in the mirror when I’m at home I pose and take pictures then send them to people that I don’t know I like getting compliments , it complements how I’m feeling I’m not always selfish just bad at romance it’s not in my bones I’ve always been told One day I’ll find Somebody who Changes my mind If they come along I won’t think twice... ‘Cause I already got a good thing with me Yeah I already got everything I need The best things in life are already mine Don’t tell me that you got a good thing for me ‘Cause I already got a good thing with me Yeah I already done everything I dreamed I’m good by myself Don’t need no one else Don’t tell me that you got a good thing for me ‘Cause I already got a good thing I’ve always been told One day I’ll find Somebody who Changes my mind If they come along I won’t think twice… ‘Cause I already got a good thing with me Yeah I already got everything I need The best things in life are already mine Don’t tell me that you got a good thing for me ‘Cause I already got a good thing with me Yeah I already done everything I dreamed I’m good by myself Don’t need no one else Don’t tell me that you got a good thing for me ‘Cause I already got a good thing
كليب Good Thing
وارن فو
المخرج وارن فو
اخبار كهلاني
الاكثر مشاهده
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