شارلى بوث عن أغنيته الجديدة Girlfriend: نفذتها منذ عامين.. فيديو وكلمات

قدم النجم العالمى شارلى بوث أغنيته الجديدة التى تحمل اسم "Girlfriend"، وذلك فى البرنامج الشهير "The Late Late Show" مع المذيع جيمس كوردن، وقد لاقى الاستعراض الذى قدمة شارلى بوث البالغ من العمر 28 عاما إعجاب قطاع كبير من محبيه وعشاقه المتابعين للبرنامج الذي يعرض علي قناة CBS. وقد أشار بوث خلال الحلقة أنه قام بتنفيذ أغنية "Girlfriend" منذ عامين، لكنه لم يكن الوقت المثالى لإطلاقها لذلك فقد احتفظت بهذه الأغنية لنفسي لفترة طويلة، وأعتقد أنه الآن الوقت المثالي للعالم لسماع هذه الأغنية. كلمات الأغنية : Yeah, tired of this conversation We didn’t come all this way To touch a little, kiss a little, all night long You wanna hear me say it I know I kept you waiting Just a little, just a little, all night long Can’t stop, til you’re lying right here next to me I should stop, but I think I'll do it anyway Baby would you ever want to be my girlfriend? I don’t wanna play no games, this is more than just a phase Baby would you ever want to be my girlfriend? If you want it let me know We can make this official Don’t we look perfect baby Let’s take this further baby Just a little, just a little, all night long If I was your boyfriend I, I’d be giving you all my time Not just a little, just a little, all night long Can’t stop, til you’re lying right here next to me I should stop, but I think I'll do it anyway Baby would you ever want to be my girlfriend? I don’t wanna play no games, this is more than just a phase Baby would you ever want to be my girlfriend? If you want it let me know We can make this official Hold on you’re making me Oh no baby no Hold on you’re making me Oh no baby my Girlfriend (x2) Can’t stop Oh no, I should stop But I had to do it anyway (x4) Baby would you ever want to be my girlfriend? I don’t wanna play no games, this is more than just a phase Baby would you ever want to be my girlfriend? If you want it let me know We can make this official Hold on you’re making me Oh no baby no Hold on you’re making me Oh no baby my Girlfriend (x2)

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