بالكلمات والصوت.. أغنية "Ultralight Prayer" لكانى ويست

أطلق النجم العالمى كانى ويست (38 سنة) أغنية جديدة تحمل اسم "Ultralight Prayer" وهى الأغنية التى أكد الكثيرون من المعنيين بالموسيقى والغناء أنها أفضل مفاجأة لعيد الفصح، خاصة أنها تحمل طابعا روحيا وموسيقاها قريبة جدا من تراتيل الكنسية.

ولاقت أغنية "Ultralight Prayer" إعجاب عدد كبير من محبى ومعجبى نجم الراب الشهير، والذين تداولوها بكثرة على صفحاتهم الشخصية بمواقع التواصل الاجتماعى.

كلمات الأغنية Father This prayer is for everyone that feels they're not good enough This prayer's for everybody that feels they're too messed up For everyone that feels they've said "I'm sorry" too many times Let them know that's why you took the nail So we could have eternal life If all God's children would get down on their knees and pray And give up all of those things that pull our hearts away You will forgive all of our wrong and make us brand new again But I won't make it, God, if you let go of my hand That's why we need more (faith!) Yes, I'm searching for you, I'm looking for (more!) Yes I am, in Your arms is where I feel (safe!) They're killing our babies in the streets, I call out for (war!) I need just a little bit more of some (faith!) Just a mustard seed, I'm looking for You for (more!) Prayer for our homes and our families We just wanna be (safe!) Can't you hear the trumpet sound, I think I hear (war!)

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